
Friday June 17, 2022 1:30 – 2:30 P.M. REGISTRATION/SMUDGING
Smudging/ Elder Sharon Pelletier
Welcome from Elder Gayle Pruden
Women’s Drum Group – Vanessa Lillie, Andrea Redsky, Sheila Redsky Welcome /
Land Acknowledgement: Dr. Jacqueline Romanow Refreshments
2:30 – 4 P.M. | KEYNOTE SPEAKER #1 Karine Duhamel
“Still Reclaiming Power and Place: Reflections on the Three-year Anniversary of the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls”
4 – 5 P.M. | Paper session #1
Paper One: Robyn Bourgeois and Falon Farinacci (Brock University). “Mobilizing Call 11.1: The Decolonial Reading Circle”
Paper Two: Tammy Wolfe (The University of Winnipeg) “Education and Awareness of the Colonial Legacy of MMIWG2S in Canada”
5–7P.M. |Dinner Message from Leah Gazan
7 – 8:30 P.M. | KEYNOTE SPEAKER # 2 Sheila North
“My Privilege, My Responsibility. Stories of virtue and the ability to survive and excel in spite of being impacted by violence and issues of MMIW, MMIWG2S+.”
Saturday June 18, 2022
Gathering and Continental Breakfast
9:30 – 11 A.M. | KEYNOTE SPEAKER # 3 Sandra DeLaronde
“Moving Forward in a Good Way: What does the findings of genocide mean? The Implications to Canada from a Social Justice perspective.”
11 – 11: 15 P.M. | Coffee Break
11– 12 P.M. | Paper Session # 2
Paper Three: Shelly Price (Victoria University), Cathy Driscoll (Saint Mary’s University), and Courtney McKay, “Reimagining the Extractive Industry: Allyship to Advance the MMIWG2S Calls for Justice”
Paper Four: Nicole Klymochko (University of Manitoba), “Gender-based Violence and Identity” 12–1P.M. |Lunch
Poster Sessions UW Indigenous Studies Students 1 – 2 P.M. | Paper Session #3
Paper Five: Brenda Wasasecoot, University of Manitoba, “Curriculum Development and MMIWG2S” Paper Six: Sara Enns, Victoria University, “First Nations Policing: Civilian Safety and Gendered Impacts.”
2 – 3 P.M. | Workshops
Workshop A: Student Services and Support: Identifying and Empowering Students at Risk – Tanis Kolisnyk
Workshop B: Education and Self-Determination – Tanya Kappo Workshop C: Curriculum Development – Tammy Wolfe
3– 3:15 P.M. | Coffee Break
3:15 – 4:30 P.M. | Plenary
Karine Duhamel, Sheila North, Sandra DeLaronde
4:30 P.M. | Closing Remarks: Elder Albert McLeod
Conference participants will choose one of the following options:
Workshop A: Student Services and Support: Identifying and Empowering Students at Risk
Workshop B: Education and Self-Determination
Workshop C: Curriculum Development